REGO stands for “Real Estate To Go” which alludes to the ease of conducting real estate transactions with blockchain technology based property trading platform and applications. Such technologies will make the buying, selling, management and development of real estate properties more efficient, secure and with lower costs.
To build the most disruptive blockchain technology-based property trading platform and associated applications to revolutionize the real estate industry.
A blockchain is a shared, distributed, unalterable ledger. Rather than a central third party holding a record of every transaction that has taken place, in a blockchain network, multiple nodes hold complete ledgers of transactions. As a result, trust does not need to be placed in a central third party, but nodes can trust themselves and other nodes in the system to have an accurate record of transactions that have taken place.
In summary, blockchain is simply a shared distributed ledger that has the following characteristics:
• Records transactions in P2P network
• Distributed to all member nodes
• Stores transactions in blocks
• Verified transactions are linked from first block to most current block
• Past blocks unalterable
An example of what a blockchain looks like can be seen below:
Transactions are grouped together into aggregated “blocks”. These blocks reference each other, starting from the very first block that was ever created on a particular blockchain, to the most current block that was added to the chain. Each block includes data from the most recent previous block added to the chain, such that they are “linked” together, giving the name blockchain. In linking blocks together in this way, if a malicious node attempts to change a transaction that happened in the past, this would invalidate all blocks that come after it, the network would recognize that a transaction that already took place was trying to be changed, and the fraudulent transaction would be immediately invalidated. REGO will take advantage of this technology for its low-cost, transparency, immutability and security.
Traditional methods of transferring capital incur relatively high transactional costs regardless of transaction size due to banks and financial intermediaries having to address clearing costs. Through the use of blockchain, these costs can be significantly reduced, as there is no middleman to impose fees. With a reward mechanism built into the protocol, transfers require only small transaction fees.
Everything that takes place on the ledger is visible to anyone. It is possible to see everything that has been recorded on the blockchain. Every transaction made on the blockchain will record the time of transaction, both receiving and sending wallet address, and time of delivery.
The ledger is policed by every member of the network. Integrity is checked and agreed upon by the network as a collective on an ongoing basis. Any change that one or other party attempts to make to the blockchain is recognized and rejected by the majority.
As the Blockchain is maintained by a large network of participants, no one actor can easily gain enough influence to submit a fraudulent transaction or successfully alter recorded data. Although possible in theory with enough resources, it would be prohibitively expensive in practice.
REGO token is the cryptocurrency created for users of our property platform as well as the real estate ecosystem and will be available at our Initial Coin Offering (ICO). It is the preferred payment method for acquisition on the platform as it eliminates the time-consuming banking process and unnecessary fees. It is also recorded on the decentralized and distributed ledgers of blockchain and, as such, will be secured and immutable.
Furthermore, using tokens as payment, the purchaser could will qualify for up to 20% discount off the cash price.
Over time, REGO tokens will be listed on all major cryptocurrency exchanges to provide easy access to the tokens and the trading of them.
Presale Details
The token sale will fund the full development, marketing and adoption of the REGO platform. The sale will begin on Apr 26th, 2018, and will end on July 31st, 2018, or when the hard cap of 20,000 ETH is reached.
The total supply of tokens will be 55,000,000. 72% of the total supply of REGO will be distributed during the token crowdsale. Each REGO token will be priced at 0.000625 ETH at the start of the token sale with bonuses on a sliding scale depending on the period of purchase.
The next stage bonus applies when either the allocated token supply for a stage or the date arrives.
Token Allocation
The total supply of REGO token available will be 55,000,000, of which 72% will be allocated to the token sale.
Use of Funds
Funds raised during the REGO ICO will be used for the development of the REGO platform and for the ongoing expenses required to support the growth of the ecosystem.
The founders of REGO will be responsible for the efficient use of funds resulting from any sale of tokens from the REGO Token Reserve. Over time, ETH and REGO tokens will be exchanged to cash for the sourcing of properties for resale on our REGO platform.
REGO Platform and its utility features will serve as a launch pad for REGO Tokens, ensuring its technological superiority and widespread adoption in the initial stages, but the future value of REGO Tokens will be determined by the global cryptocurrency investment community.
By 2020 the initial REGO vision and architecture will have been implemented and deployed. REGO will then work on the continuous evolution of the REGO Blockchain and will be maintained by the Founders of REGO.
For more information, please visit:
Author: Crator Touch
My Ethereum Address: 0x4883E31Bb22ec89Dd8ddbf24C7F57C1317C58F7d


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